B. Parmadie

Globalization brings changes in all aspects of social, art, and culture in Bengkulu City. The dynamics of development make Dol music as ritual music of Tabut transformed into secular or profane music both ethnomusicology (musical) and social practices, which have implications for the sociocultural system of Bengkulu society. From this phenomenon, the focuses of the research problem are: (1) how is factor the transformation of Dol music happen? (2) how is the transformation of Dol music? (3) how is the implication of Dol musical transformation on the sociocultural system of Bengkulu City society?.
The purposes of the research are to understand and explain the factors of transformation, the form of transformation, and the implication of Dol musical transformation in Tabut ritual musicality on the sociocultural system of Bengkulu society. This study uses the cultural study approach with social practice theory, power relation theory, and popular culture theory applied eclectically. The research method is interpretative qualitative descriptive, and data collection techniques are observation, interview, and document study.
The results revealed that; first, the factors that influence the transformation, caused by the globalization effects and the power relation influence. Second, the form of transformation occurs in the physical context, musicality, and function. Third, the implications of Dol music change in the sociocultural system concern the superstructure aspects of ideological identity, religious values, and the desacralization; on structural aspects, there is an expansion of social scale and education dimension;  infrastructure aspects include the economic field associated with the development of tourism that affects social welfare.
From the result analysis led to two findings in this study, First, empirically (1) Dol music is transformed not only in its physical form but also in its musicality and function. This transformation occurs not be separated from the strong currents of globalization and the interference of power relations. So that the dominance of Dol music legitimized into traditional music icon Bengkulu shifted the popularity and sacred ritual Tabut as "Heritage of The World in The Trust" art of Bengkulu people's folklore culture; (2) the transformation that occurs in Dol musicality becomes increasingly complex not only about the art aspect, but also the sociocultural system that leads to the form of divergence. That is, Dol music that was originally a sacred music ensamble developed into products of interest and cultural tourism; (3) Dol music as an artistic expression is able to be the medium of different integration in the ideological and interest backgrounds that develops in Bengkulu society. Second, the theoretically dialectic between social practice, power relations, and popular culture in the transformation of Dol music finds its context. That is, the theory used to analyze the research issues affirm and in accordance with the empirical reality that occurred in Bengkulu.

Key words: transformation, Dol music, Tabot, sacred, secular, sociocultural.

